Are Patents Getting Their Mojo Back?

By Louis Carbonneau This past year, it has been all about how patents, as an asset class, were being devalued by a perfect storm of new judicial, regulatory and legislative activity. Especially in the US, Courts have been busy dismantling much of the established case law that had created some predictability over the years as […]

IP Strategies for Changing Times

By Louis Carbonneau With all the recent and well documented turmoil weakening the US patent system at the same time Europe is moving toward a unified patent, the imminent passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act and the White House finally recognizing the extensive damage to the US economy caused by cyber hacking, just to […]

What Makes a Patent Valuable

By Louis Carbonneau In our last Pointers, we explained in detail how much recent court decisions and new rules at the USPTO had negatively impacted the value of US patents. This is not to say that all patents are worthless, far from it. Actually, based on the fact that we have recently received strong offers […]

The Glassybaby Syndrome or Why Every Company is an IP Company

By Louis Carbonneau Ever heard of Glassybaby? According to a recent Seattle Times article, “[Glassybaby] is a compelling small-business success story: After a seven-year battle with lung cancer, young mother develops colorful and inspirational product, hires local artisans, donates 10 percent of sales to charity and sells 20 percent stake to billionaire Jeff Bezos.” For […]